Donegal seasonal workers need
support - TD
DONEGAL employers are
finding it increasingly difficult to attract
seasonal workers due to cuts in welfare, a TD has
Deputy Thomas Pringle said seasonal workers are
leaving the county because they don't have the
security net that welfare provides in the off
season. |
Speaking during
Leaders’ Questions yesterday he said: “...Without
the security of income which the social welfare net
provides, workers will migrate to more secure work
often leaving Donegal entirely.
"This means when the season begins again employers
cannot access a readily available workforce," he
"The issue is that in rural areas the only work
available for some people is seasonal work. While
seasonal workers would love to work full time, there
isn’t that kind of work out there for them.” |
Deputy Thomas Pringle. |
Deputy Pringle said
people needed "the security of income outside of
work seasons" to provide for their families and
"keep away from the ever encroaching poverty line”.
The Donegal T.D., called for the restoration of Farm
Assist and its Income disregards, Jobseekers’
payments and subsidiary employment rates. "Changes
would cost the State €45m, and would ensure that
people can live and work within their local
communities and be available when seasonal work
starts again,” he added. |