Donegal and Derry
traders received advice last night on how to prevent
tiger kidnappings following one such incident in the
Bridgend area earlier this month.
The public seminar, including a talk by a PSNI Crime
Prevention Officer, was held at the City Hotel,
Derry, and included tips on how people can stay safe
in their own homes if under attack.
The event was organised following an incident in
which an 87-year-old woman and her son and daughter,
were tied up by armed raiders who forced their way
into a house at Foyle Springs, Derry, on April 3rd,
The daughter was later ordered to go to her place of
work, a Post Office in Ballymagroarty and instructed
to remove cash and take it across the border to
Derry's city centre manager Stephen Kelly said the
border region had been vulnerable to such attacks
over the years.
He said the aim of the seminar was to impart 'good,
solid, practical' advice to businesspeople and
people working with cash, on how to stay safe.
Tiger kidnapping are so described due to the way the
animal follows its prey before striking.